Little house for android applications

List of application which I upload here

Why house logo look like so ugly?

Portability for non-technical people:

From latin portāre which means to carry,  I think the latin word optio is more situable  because it means "freedom to choise".

To port is to adapt something from one context to another  without change their functionality.  A program is taken into account as portable if the cost of time   to adapt it from one platform to anotheris less than make it from over new.

The need to port comes to us because the other has already chosen a different context than mine.  Therefore, respecting their freedom, I port.

The antonym of portability:

The android story begin in October of 2003,  few years before Apple announced its first iPhone with iOS.  In 2005, Google got Android.  In order to be portable they used a free operative system (Linux).  That did mean they could offer the operative system to third parties  such as phone makers free-of-charge.

Let us conclude this we have reached somehow a unic free product,  I am talking about Android which it is sold, mantained and  modified only by google.  Consumers, such as phone makers found out one product  offered by one seller.  In this way, there is no choise.  Most consumers, like Android users only knows one place  called playstore, which is shown by one povider called goole.

Supply in times of monopoly:

Although iOS is an android sustitute, the cost of an iphone is  higher than another. In addition, iOS is not available  for all phone makers.  Besides that, mobile users are not able (in a easily way) to chose  an Android substitute with similar features like quality and free.

On the other hand, develop an operative system for mobile devices is far to be easy.  Too few developers like work in low level and... for free.  So we are now going to see the gap.

Freedom in times of monopoly:

If only we can chose Android or iOS both provideers will impact over our desitions.  They set in our phones automatic updates as defaut making our phones  deprecated by desing forcing us to change our phone periodically.  Neither Tolkien imagined someone with the ability to provide  his product free of charge and sell his influence en masse.

Where do apps live?

What is an app?

A phone app is a big file.  In the case of android is a zipped folder which contains  all information and picturs needed to install and run.

In the case of android if the file has the extention apk  it contains the mandatory information needed to work on different devices.
On the other hand, if the file has the extention aab  It is a little apk generators.

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